Business Portfolio

Saturday, December 31, 2016
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Electromagnetics : Realize Your Product Promise
ANSYS electronics solutions help you design innovative electrical and electronic products faster and more cost-effectively than ever before. Our industry leading electromagnetic field, circuit, systems and multiphysics simulation software fully automates the design process so you can better understand how your products behave. You can quickly optimize your design using simulation instead of wasting time building and testing costly prototypes. So whether it's a computer chip, a circuit board, a cell phone, an electronic component in an automobile or an entire communications system, ANSYS software can help you design better products.
Realize Your Product Promise
Hundreds of devices that we use every day — from computers, automobiles, mobile communication devices and wireless networks to the electrical grid — depend on advanced electromagnetic equipment. Optimizing the performance of these complex designs requires accurate modeling of electromagnetic fields, circuit details and system validation.
Engineering simulation software — which enables product development and optimization in a virtual environment — has revolutionized electronics design. R&D teams define device architecture, verify specifications for functional blocks, design circuits and components, evaluate component- and system-level interactions, and optimize circuit or system performance under actual operating conditions.
No matter the discipline or industry, you can readily put these numerical tools to work to virtually optimize electrical performance and component interactions, sometimes with minimal investment in physical testing.
When you leverage this power, you have the opportunity to slash the time and costs traditionally associated with designing sophisticated electrical devices.
Consumers demand features that make electromagnetics design more complex. As a result, the opportunity to differentiate in the marketplace has been never been so pronounced. At the same time, the downside risk of product failure and its consequences can be catastrophic.
ANSYS: Powered by Technology Leadership
ANSYS advanced simulation technologies create a high level of confidence that the complex devices you design will perform reliably under real-world conditions, enabling you to fulfill your critical product promise to customers.
With proven industry-standard electromagnetic field solvers such as ANSYS HFSS,® we have emerged as the clear industry leader in electromagnetics simulation, with unmatched technology depth and breadth. Spanning the full spectrum of electromagnetic analysis and design, our tools enable companies to leverage best-in-class technology to confidently predict device behavior, dramatically reduce prototype and physical testing costs, and launch innovative, competitive products faster.

No other software provider offers the broad, overarching perspective on device performance that is made possible by the comprehensive
ANSYS simulation suite. From component design and baseline physics analysis to system integration and optimization, this is the ANSYS promise: to offer robust, industry-leading capabilities — so you can realize your performance promise of a wide range of low- and high-frequency/high-speed and electromechanical devices.
Signaling a New Era in Product Integrity
ANSYS helps you deliver on your product promise — by ensuring optimal power and signal integrity.
For high-speed digital devices, there are few issues more critical than achieving consistent power and signal integrity and avoiding EMI.
Realizing uncompromised signal fidelity requires detailed design of component, circuit and system levels in addition to gigabit-speed interconnections for chip-to-chip, package-to-board or board-to-board communications.
At the same time, delivering a high level of power integrity requires innovative product design that eliminates electronic power fluctuations within the PCB or device.
Ensuring signal fidelity at state-of-the-art GHz or Gb/s speeds requires a new generation of design strategies along with tools that accurately characterize signal transmission. Thirty years ago, signal integrity was not so great a design challenge, but data rates in today’s products have higher speeds, requiring greater bandwidth, while product size is decreasing. All of this contributes to SI complexity.
When a high-frequency signal travels between its source and termination, it can resonate and emit electromagnetic energy that interferes with other components in the product — as well as other products that happen to be in the area.
Simulation software from ANSYS empowers you to analyze power and signal integrity as well as EMI early in the design cycle, when the change process is most efficient and cost effective. With our broad range of high-frequency and signal integrity tools, your engineers can identify performance issues such as ringing, crosstalk, ground bounce and power supply noise.
We have strengthened our position as a technology pioneer with the integration of advanced low-power electromagnetic simulation technologies from Apache Design Solutions, Inc.
These tools are critical for designing a range of portable electronics — including smartphones, tablets and laptops — with complex power issues due to their video, GPS, recording and conferencing features that are supported by lightweight, energy-efficient batteries.
Our technology can handle the complexity of modern interconnect design from die to die across ICs, packages, connectors and boards. By leveraging advanced electromagnetic field simulators dynamically linked to powerful circuit and system simulation, engineers can understand the performance of high-speed electronic products long before building a prototype in hardware.
Architectural firm Takenaka Corporation develops wireless power supply systems that are embedded in the walls and floors of buildings. In designing the circuit for this system, the company coupled several ANSYS tools to determine capacitance between electrodes, to create the inductor design, and to analyze the electromagnetic radiation characteristic.
By incorporating on-chip power integrity analysis from Apache, our software delivers the capability to simulate and analyze power integrity at the chip, board and package levels. We provide the full range of capabilities needed to balance high-energy outputs with extreme energy efficiency via analysis at both the component and system levels.
ANSYS: A Transmitter for Innovation
Signal and power integrity are essential to consistent performance of a wide range of digital and electronic products. No matter the industry, engineers are using ANSYS tools to take this central product competency to new levels of reliability and innovation via early-stage engineering simulation.
For example, designers of high-speed and fast-switching circuits rely on ANSYS for the parametric data and time-domain circuit models they need to verify and tune package performance — before costly final assembly occurs.
ANSYS software helps integrated circuit engineers meet growing market demands for lower cost, lighter weight and longer battery life by supporting the functional integration of disparate circuit components. We also help product developers bring to market new mixed-signal designs that incorporate embedded high-performance analog blocks with complex digital circuitry on a single chip.
The world of product design is changing with the
introduction of exciting, new technologies. To help you grab opportunities, Creo
4.0 includes breakthrough capabilities in Additive Manufacturing, IoT,
Model-Based Definition (MBD) and Augmented Reality (AR). Now you can design
faster and smarter because your digital designs are connected to physical products. It's a winning combination: Creo
4.0's new tools along with extensive core enhancements to support day-to-day
Core Productivity Enhancements
Creo 4.0 is our most productive release yet. There are hundreds of enhancements to make your job faster and easier. Here are just a few:- New interaction workflow: increased productivity.
- Modeling enhancements: core modeling capabilities are better than ever.
- Materials library: more than 100 new materials available out-of-the-box.
Smart, Connected Product Design
With Creo Product Insight, you can design digital sensors as an integral part of your CAD model and connect them, via PTC’s ThingWorx, to a product in the field. Now you’re driving your design process with facts, not assumptions.Replace the assumptions in your design process with facts.**
Additive Manufacturing
What you see is what you print. Creo 4.0 closes the gap between 3D CAD and 3D printingAdditive Manufacturing is changing product design, but it is done using a disconnected multi-step process. The Creo 4.0 Additive Manufacturing Extension solves this problem by enabling you to design, optimize, validate, and print all within a single piece of software.
- Create parametrically controlled lattice structures.
- Directly connect to 3D Systems and Stratasys printers.
- Track, validate, and manage print jobs.
- Eliminate mistakes due to human error.
- Direct connection to service bureaus.
- Improved rapid prototyping.
Design, optimize, validate, and print all in Creo.
Model-Based Definition (MBD)
Creo 4.0 removes the barriers for successful MBD implementation.With MBD, all the information about your product lives in a fully-detailed, documented 3D model accessible to everyone from engineering to package design. The improved workflows make it easier than ever to author and publish the full model-based definition.
- Increase productivity.
- Reduce costs.
- Provide consistency.
- Eliminate mistakes due to human error.
- Improve design communications.
- Enhance GD&T understanding.
Augmented Reality (AR)
With AR the physical and digital worlds converge.Coming soon, a native integration between Creo 4.0 and Thingworx Studio, the world’s leading AR platform. This will enable you to create AR experiences of your design.
The result? A more effective, engaging, and compelling design review process.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Electromagnetics : Realize Your Product Promise
electronics solutions help you design innovative electrical and electronic
products faster and more cost-effectively than ever before. Our industry leading
electromagnetic field, circuit, systems and multiphysics simulation software
fully automates the design process so you can better understand how your
products behave. You can quickly optimize your design using simulation instead
of wasting time building and testing costly prototypes. So whether it's a
computer chip, a circuit board, a cell phone, an electronic component in an
automobile or an entire communications system, ANSYS software can help you
design better products.
ADD: Adroitec Design Diagnosis
Adroitec Engineering Solutions presents "ADROITEC DESIGN DIAGNOSIS" service . ADD, though it's easy to use browser interface facilitates, designers to create better models and hence efficient and reusable design. ADD helps you examine whether, CREO Parametric parts, assemblies, and drawings , adhere to the organization's standards and best practices. Upon diagnosis of a non-conformance, designer is notified with the same. The designers gets a report of identified problem , and can often correct them automatically , within the same interface.
PTC Creo customized tools reduces time & effort for Legacy Data cleansing
How Minda Corporation is using PTC Creo ModelCHECK Solution for Legacy Data Migration
Initiatives and Results
Windchill Adoption
Initiative: Improve Windchill adoption by making legacy data available in Windchill in short time.
Result: 70 – 80% improvement in Legacy Design Standardization time
Eliminate Errors
Result: With PTC Creo Model Check, resolving Model issues, resolving drawing errors, Attribute Addition, etc. happens with a single action.
Initiative: Reduce time for Legacy data cleaning and faster loading of data to Windchill.
Result: PTC Creo customized tools has saved approximately 85% time…..
Result: 70 – 80% improvement in Legacy Design Standardization time
Initiative: Eliminate errors in terms of manual based filling attributes and information to 3D Models
Result: With PTC Creo Model Check, resolving Model issues, resolving drawing errors, Attribute Addition, etc. happens with a single action.
Reduce Time for Legacy Data Cleaning
Customer Quote
Moving to Windchill , our biggest challenge was to manually clean huge legacy data and eliminate errors. Required a tool to reduce time….
PTC Creo ModelCHECK capabilities helped us to Standardize more designs in less time. We have saved approximately 85% time…
PTC Creo ModelCHECK capabilities helped us to Standardize more designs in less time. We have saved approximately 85% time…
MOLDEX3d : Simulate my Process for HOT RUNNER System
Hot Runner
Why Hot Runner Simulation?
Hot runner solutions have been utilized in various plastic injection molded products, such as bumpers, automotive instrument panels and LCD/TV panels. Advantages hot runner molds bring include material and energy cost savings and shorter cycle times, for the runners that are eliminated in the process. However, hot runner systems are comparatively more complex and commonly face the challenge of elaborate temperature control and the risk of thermal degradation of plastic materials. Moldex3D provides simulation tools for designers and engineers to obtain mechanism and critical information in hot runner molding. Users are able to investigate the processes and detect potential defects, and further achieve design optimization. Moldex3D helps companies to develop products with high quality and low costs and win in a globally competitive market.Explore Moldex3D’s Capabilities for Hot Runner
- Simulate hot runner systems and visualize temperature distribution over time in the runners and moldbase.
(a) Hot runner system model
- Validate hot runner systems and their sub-components including heating coils, manifolds and hot nozzles.
- Investigate various hot runner molding processes and their characters, such as injection pressure and clamping force, and detect defects including welding lines and warpage.
(b) Temperature profile inside hot runner mold
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Artificial Hearts and 3D Design - UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO
It comes as no surprise that 3D modeling is used in a wide range of product development, everything from automotive parts to household products to medical devices. Perhaps one of the most exciting uses of 3D modeling is in designing artificial hearts, and PTC Creo CAD 3D modeling software is on the front lines of this cutting-edge technology.
The Need for Artificial Hearts
Some quick statistics on heart transplants and the growing need for artificial hearts:
- Heart disease is the planet’s leading cause of death, according to the World Health Organization, killing 7.4 million people annually.
- The need for donor hearts is skyrocketing, but the number of hearts available is flat and falling.
- 4000 people in the U.S. and over 3,000 in the European Union are waiting for donor hearts (estimates from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the European Commission Department of Health).
- Artificial hearts have been used mainly as a bridge to keep patients alive until a human heart becomes available. Since viable artificial hearts were first invented 45 years ago, only 1,413 have been implanted (about 30 per year).
Doctors have come to prefer ventricular assist devices—which can help the patient’s own heart pump blood—over full-scale artificial hearts, due to the following issues:
- Artificial hearts are often rejected by patients’ bodies.
- They can impede blood flow and cause strokes.
- They are very expensive (in the neighborhood of $250,000).
- Artificial hears are typically more than twice as big as a human heart.
- The risk of infection is high, the more elements implanted raises this risk.
3D Modeling and Artificial Heart Design
Racing to develop the next generation of artificial hearts that will combat these problems, Takashi Isoyama and a team of researchers at the University of Tokyo Graduate School are using 3D CAD software to model the heart, complete with animation that can show the way blood will flow through it. 3D models accelerated the process of designing the blades for the turbo pump, versus two-dimensional CAD.
The Tokyo team used Creo software to design a non-contact rotary pump that consists of a shaft and a bearing. The 3D models sped up the process, Isoyama says, and made it easier to export the plans to computer-aided engineering software such as ANSYS for the next step: precision-machining the parts.
Isoyama’s artificial heart design, the Helical Flow Total Artificial Heart, has already been implanted into a goat (which was kept alive for a record 100 days), and the final model for animal use could be ready by 2016, with a human model following five or more years down the road.
PTC is proud to be a part of artificial heart technology, with our advances in 3D modeling and simulation, which will be used to save lives in the future.
PTC Creo 4.0 - The 3D CAD Revolution is Here..
In this 45-minute overview, Paul Sagar, Creo VP of Product Management, talks about the “groundbreaking capabilities available in Creo 4.0.” You’ll learn about new tools for model-based definition; additive manufacturing; and smart, connected design; as well as productivity improvements. If your time is limited and you want to learn as much as you can about the new release in the shortest amount of time, dial in for this big-picture introduction to Creo 4.0.
Lattice structures optimized for 3D printing in Creo 4.0.
What’s New in Creo Parametric
When you hear about “productivity improvements” in software, it’s tempting to think we’ve moved a tab here or added a menu pick there. But product managers at PTC are saying the changes to the UI with Creo 4.0 are some of the most exciting features in the release. Tune in to this session with Martin Neumüller, Director of Product Management, and find out how Creo 4.0 will improve your design productivity.
Implementing and Complying with Model-Based Definition
Whether you need to cut product costs, get better feedback from downstream contributors, or streamline the design review process, model-based definition (MBD) can help. New functionality in Creo 4.0 adds enhancements to 3D annotations, expanded capabilities with combination states, and improvements in creating derivative 3D formats and 2D artifacts. Product Manager Raphael Nascimento presents this session.
Design for Additive Manufacturing
Creo 4.0 is streamlining the process of 3D printing your designs. This release will provide a single environment for anyone who wants to design, optimize, prepare, and validate designs for 3D printing. Plus, you should see what it can do with lattices! Join PTC Product Manager Jose Coronado and learn how the software automates the creation and optimization of product designs that only additive manufacturing can create.
Smart, Connected Product Design
Whether you design cell phones, cars, or industrial pumps, understanding how your products are used in the real world is invaluable. In this session, Product Manager Arnaud van de Veerdonk shows you exciting new enhancements in Creo 4.0 to help you design, build and optimize smart, connected products. Take advantage of the IoT to improve product quality and ensure that future products better meet the needs of your customers.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Simulation Assisting with the Adoption of Internet of Things through the Development of Smart Medical Implants
How Simulation is Assisting with the Adoption of Internet of
Things Through the Development of Smart Medical Implants.Digital health is
taking healthcare by storm and is
expected to reach $233.3 billion by 2020, driven particularly by the mobile
health market. Connected medical devices and associated services are perceived
to be able to offer safer and more
effective healthcare. Novel connected medical device examples include Saluda’s closed-loop neuromodulation system for pain
management, EBR’s wireless pacing system and St Jude Medical’s wireless-enabled pacemaker –
all examples of implants with wireless connectivity.
A key challenge for medical device designers is to understand and optimize the communication between the device and the receiver. Pioneering companies like Cambridge Consultants were
A key challenge for medical device designers is to understand and optimize the communication between the device and the receiver. Pioneering companies like Cambridge Consultants were
early adopters of engineering simulation to model the behavior of medical devices and their communication
components, together with the
surrounding environment – and particularly ‘through-body’ communication. In
this webinar, we will discuss the growing importance of connectivity and the necessity of using computer-based modeling to enable this critical
Cambridge Consultants will also present a case study that
highlights the use of computer modeling to quantify the impact of different body
morphologies on implant radio performance. An understanding of these coupled
with use case and end user morphology
will define if the radio performance is incredibly successful or marginally adequate.
Moldex3D – The New Quality in Design of Car Interiors in Dr. Schneider Automotive
Industry: Automotive
Team Leader: Przemysław Narowski
Introduction: Dr. Schneider
Automotive Poland specializes in high quality automobile-related plastic
products – from innovative ventilation systems to highly integrated interior
covers and sophisticated modules for instrument panels and center consoles that
are not only aesthetic but also functional.
Story Overview/Challenge:
Przemyslaw Narowski is a CAE Engineer at Dr.
Schneider Automotive Poland. He took on an unconventional approach to tell us
his unique #Moldex3DStory. He uses three different perspectives in time: the
Past, the Present, and the Future to take us on the journey with him to
witness, experience and envision the evolution of a CAE solution – Moldex3D in
his company. He explains from how the true need for an injection molding
process simulation emerged within his company and why Moldex3D was chosen, to
how it is used in a feasibility study of a new designed part now, and to the
extended use of Moldex3D’s other simulation solutions to broaden their
technical capabilities and the future outlook for a streamlined engineering
workflow from CAD, through CAE to CAM. Multiple real cases are shown in his
story to illustrate the accuracy of Moldex3D’s results and the values of using
Moldex3D is chosen to assist the design and
development of plastic products. It is used in the whole product development
process from the part design stage, the initial assessment for part feasibility
including choosing the gate location, the cycle time estimation, etc. and to
the workshop floor for troubleshooting difficult production challenges such as
warpage, air traps, and other molding errors. For instance, in the case of a
fuel filler part, Dr. Schneider Automotive Poland was able to reduce the
warpage amount by 40% with the help of Moldex3D’s analysis in order to ensure
the molded parts meet the required standards. In addition, for car interior
parts, aesthetics is also very important. Moldex3D successfully helped solve an
air trap issue of a car interior part to avoid a visible surface defect.
Test new designs for
part feasibility such as the ideal gate locations and the estimated cycle times
Solved difficult molding
challenges such as warpage (by 40% in one case) and air traps
Inspire “Reverse
Simulation” concept for the future product development direction
Leverage exptertise in PTC CREO View
Most engineers are living in a 3D world. The CAD models they build as part of the design process are 3D as are the simulations that prove out those concepts and the realistic prototypes output with, you guessed it, 3D printers working off the same 3D data. Yet outside of engineering—in manufacturing departments, throughout the supply chain, even within service—the 3D model has yet to become the holy grail. In fact, it’s more likely that 2D drawings are the go to resource for information about a particular product design.
As a result,
organizations are not poised to capitalize on the myriad benefits of the
Model-Based Enterprise, a vision for a collaborative environment with a 3D
product definition as the definitive information resource for activities
spanning a product’s complete lifecycle.As standards evolve for 3D models to
embed other types of non geometric data product and manufacturing information
(PMI) such as geometric dimensions and tolerances, materials information, and
surface finishes, among other items—pioneering companies like Toyota and Boeing
have gone on record with claims that a MBE approach can translate into a 50%
reduction in costs. The savings are due to the efficiencies and increased
accuracy of leveraging the 3D product definition for everything from setting up
manufacturing workflows to inspecting parts and creating process planning
A model-based definitions help companies save time, eliminate scrap, and promote reuse since engineers are devoting fewer hours to creating, clarifying or fixing documentation, they have more time to spend on actual design and engineering work, which leads to better products. A model-based approach to have particular value for developing and managing families of products and their variants.
A model-based definitions help companies save time, eliminate scrap, and promote reuse since engineers are devoting fewer hours to creating, clarifying or fixing documentation, they have more time to spend on actual design and engineering work, which leads to better products. A model-based approach to have particular value for developing and managing families of products and their variants.
The research showed companies delivering 23% more
projects on time at 62% lower cost compared to organizations using MBE
alternative approaches.Invest in the right tools. CAD is at the crux of an MBE,
but the CAD tool has to be agnostic so it can work with a variety of CAD data and
it has to have options for annotating the 3D CAD model with data required by
downstream users in manufacturing. PTC Creo View MCAD, for example, provides a
way to publish design intent from a 3D CAD model into a format that can be
easily viewed and interrogated by downstream users, including selective
geometry, dimensions, and tolerances. Further, the PTC Creo View Design Check
option replaces the redlining/pen and paper-based process with a digital tool
that maintains an electronic marking history of all design check cycles.
PTC Creo View Design Check replaces traditional redlining and paper-based processes.
PTC Creo View Design Check replaces traditional redlining and paper-based processes.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Web Schedule for December 2016
Webinar Training Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration(min) |
1 | 07.12.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Introduction to Creo's basic structural design Capabilities | 45 |
2 | 14.12.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Configuring and Managing Library components in Creo | 45 |
3 | 21.12.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Introduction to Manufacturing Lite | 45 |
4 | 28.12.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Tips and tricks in IC Draft | 45 |
Webinar Demo Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration(min) |
1 | 07.12.16 | Wednesday | 15:00 | What's new in IronCAD | 45 |
2 | 14.12.16 | Wednesday | 15:00 | Mechanical drafting using IC Draft | 45 |
3 | 21.12.16 | Wednesday | 15:00 | Flexible Editing of Parametric Models | 45 |
4 | 28.12.16 | Wednesday | 15:00 | Overview of Windchill quality Solutions | 45 |
Web Schedule for November 2016
Webinar Training Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration(min) |
1 | 02.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Quick tuition of Tolerance analysis Using Creo | 45 |
2 | 09.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Quick tuition on Creo Import data doctor | 45 |
3 | 16.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Understanding all configuration files of Creo Parametric | 45 |
4 | 23.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Introduction to Creo Assembly performance Capabilities | 45 |
5 | 30.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Understanding Basic Mechanism Connections of Creo Parametric | 45 |
Webinar Demo Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration(min) |
1 | 02.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Quick tuition of Tolerance analysis Using Creo | 45 |
2 | 09.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Quick tuition on Creo Import data doctor | 45 |
3 | 16.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Understanding all configuration files of Creo Parametric | 45 |
4 | 23.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Introduction to Creo Assembly performance Capabilities | 45 |
5 | 30.11.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Understanding Basic Mechanism Connections of Creo Parametric | 45 |
Web Schedule for October 2016
Webinar Training Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration(min) |
1 | 20.10.16 | Thursday | 11:00 | Quick tuition on advanced assembly constraints | 45 |
2 | 26.10.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 | Basic Introduction to Creo Sheetmetal Modelling | 45 |
Webinar Demo Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration(min) |
1 | 20.10.16 | Thursday | 15:00 | Creo Applications overview | 45 |
2 | 26.10.16 | Wednesday | 15:00 | Creo Parametric Modules overview | 45 |
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Windchill 11: The Smart, Connected PLM Platform
CIMdata Commentary
Key takeaways:
• Over the years, Windchill has grown in breadth, depth, and flexibility to support the growing complexity of PTC’s customers’ products
• ThingWorx technology is transforming Windchill into a smart, connected PLM platform by enabling integration and mash-ups of data created and maintained within PLM and other environments
• Windchill 11’s role-based applications and HTML5 user interface are designed to democratize PLM and make it more usable to an expanded community of users
• PTC is committed to cloud-based delivery of its products and also announced new subscription licensing
PTC announced the release of Windchill 11—a solution that they state delivers “Smart,
Connected PLM” to better support developing, delivering, and supporting products and
solutions in today’s world of the Internet of Things (IoT) and systems of systems. Jim
Heppelmann, PTC President and CEO, stated that “IoT is PLM” and that PTC is developing
its products and services to better enable its customers to develop and support smart,
connected products that will drive the future.
Brian Shepherd, PTC EVP Enterprise Segments, stated that IoT is changing competition,
changing companies, and changing products. Product development processes are changing
and PLM must change to support and enable it. New products and solutions must be
connected and collaborative, and are becoming increasing complex. Furthermore, these
issues are transforming industrial companies into being software and analytics driven. Mr.
Shepherd stated that to help their customers meet these challenges PTC designed Windchill
11 on four themes as illustrated in Figure 1 and described below.
PLM Cloud and New Subscription Pricing (new) adds flexibility to Windchill deployments. Both enable companies to add resources quickly and cost effectively to better meet the needs of the changing needs of their projects and programs. IT overhead can be reduced by using the cloud options including fully hosted SaaS. PTC primarily uses Amazon Web Services to deliver their hosted services but other options are available including country specific hosting. Current customers can migrate existing customized solutions including integrations onto the cloud and leverage PTC’s experience to streamline administration of their PLM environment.
Windchill Search (enhanced) is now a multifaceted search capability improved to power better information reuse and to reduce the time users spend searching for data. PTC worked with customers to build out this capability. It combines their Windchill PartsLink classification search with traditional attribute search. Users can leverage keywords and filters in an Amazon- or eBay-like search paradigm rather than the simpler Google paradigm.
Bill of Material Management (enhanced) is designed to manage a complete, multidimensional BOM including engineering, manufacturing, and service elements. It incorporates improved visualization capabilities, part or item centric support, variant logic sharing with ERP, and a more flexible change management functionality.
Bill of Materials Transform and Compare (enhanced) includes a completely rewritten and
streamlined HTML5-based Windchill MPMLink visual user interface designed to ease BOM
transformation from Windchill to ERP. It supports plant-specific attributes on the MBOM, associativity at the part and occurrence level, and the ability to perform conformity analyses between EBOMs and MBOMs. It supports parallel design and manufacturing planning to enable faster time to manufacturing and reduce errors in planning and production.
Manage Creo 3.0 Breakthroughs (enhanced) including Design Exploration Extension (DEX) and the ability to create alternative designs in parallel. Using DEX, it is easy to extract selected elements from product structures to conduct trade studies or examine other design approaches. Once evaluation is complete the appropriate designs can be fully released for downstream processing.
Advanced IP Protection (enhanced) provides support for security labels checking and the display of security labels in structure components. These and other security improvements are designed to enable companies to increase collaboration internally and across their extended supply chain while maintaining the IP protection they and their partners require.
Other areas of enhancement delivered by Windchill 11 include Creo Elements Direct Management updates, automatic project updates, NPI process improvement, a redesigned query builder, a new version of System Monitor, and expanded Customer Experience Management Quality module capabilities.
Matt Cohen, EVP Global Services and Partners, discussed how PTC wants to help their customers extract value from PLM. He described PTC’s Value Ready Deployment (VRD) methodology for quicker production startup that takes into account a company’s specific requirements. VRD is generic today, but will become industry focused over time. The initial industry will be medical devices followed by high-tech and automotive.
PTC stated that their backlog of cloud business is large. They have a target of 30% of new deployments to be on the cloud, but think it will take 24 to 30 months to get that many customers to migrate. They hope to double the number of seats from a stated current count of 1.5 million to 3 million over the next 3 years. They expect much of this growth will be in the mid market with companies with $250 million to $1.25 billion in revenue, primarily in the medical device and high-tech industries. These are aggressive targets from segments that have been traditionally reluctant to invest in cloud-based PLM.
CIMdata thinks that Windchill 11 furthers PTC’s expanding support for IoT and the development of smart, connected products that become components in systems of systems. It includes purpose-built applications to better democratize PLM and expand the number of users of Windchill. The inclusion of purpose-built tool sets for IoT producers reinforces their commitment to IoT.
PTC stated that Windchill 11 has been in development for five years and they have started to fold in technology and functionality obtained through recent acquisitions. PTC is continuing to incorporate acquired technology within Windchill and other products, e.g., the mash-up functionality from ThingWorx is beginning to be used extensively within Windchill. The use of these capabilities provides PTC with opportunities to enhance both the user experience and the overall capabilities that Windchill 11 delivers. Additional Windchill 11 capabilities related to augmented reality for in-service parts, etc., will be built on the Vuforia acquisition. (PTC showed a short demo at the event and the augmented reality capabilities were interesting.)
CIMdata believes that Windchill 11 is an excellent step forward for PTC and we are pleased to see them making effective use of the technologies they have recently acquired. About CIMdata
CIMdata, an independent worldwide firm, provides strategic management consulting to maximize an enterprise’s ability to design and deliver innovative products and services through the application of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). CIMdata provides worldclass knowledge, expertise, and best-practice methods on PLM. CIMdata also offers research, subscription services, publications, and education through international conferences. To learn more about CIMdata’s services, visit our website at or contact CIMdata at: 3909 Research Park Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA. Tel: +1 734.668.9922. Fax: +1 734.668.1957; or at Oogststraat 20, 6004 CV
Weert, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 (0) 495.533.666.
Key takeaways:
• Over the years, Windchill has grown in breadth, depth, and flexibility to support the growing complexity of PTC’s customers’ products
• ThingWorx technology is transforming Windchill into a smart, connected PLM platform by enabling integration and mash-ups of data created and maintained within PLM and other environments
• Windchill 11’s role-based applications and HTML5 user interface are designed to democratize PLM and make it more usable to an expanded community of users
• PTC is committed to cloud-based delivery of its products and also announced new subscription licensing
PTC announced the release of Windchill 11—a solution that they state delivers “Smart,
Connected PLM” to better support developing, delivering, and supporting products and
solutions in today’s world of the Internet of Things (IoT) and systems of systems. Jim
Heppelmann, PTC President and CEO, stated that “IoT is PLM” and that PTC is developing
its products and services to better enable its customers to develop and support smart,
connected products that will drive the future.
Brian Shepherd, PTC EVP Enterprise Segments, stated that IoT is changing competition,
changing companies, and changing products. Product development processes are changing
and PLM must change to support and enable it. New products and solutions must be
connected and collaborative, and are becoming increasing complex. Furthermore, these
issues are transforming industrial companies into being software and analytics driven. Mr.
Shepherd stated that to help their customers meet these challenges PTC designed Windchill
11 on four themes as illustrated in Figure 1 and described below.
Thus, PTC has a new evolution of their solution wheel, keeping the lifecycle and adding key
characteristics of Windchill 11:
• Smart—role-based apps, improved search functionality, and IP protection
• Connected—connected quality, Performance Advisor, and requirements traceability
• Complete—BOM management and transformation, and support for Creo 3.0 breakthroughs
• Flexible—cloud deployment, subscription pricing, and SaaS PLM
Kevin Wrenn, GM of PTC’s PLM Segment, highlighted 5 new capabilities and 5 major improvements in Windchill 11 and stated that one of PTC’s objectives is “Making Windchill purpose-built for companies that make smart, connected products.”
Role-Based Applications (new) are purpose-built applications (“apps") designed to be highly intuitive and context-driven to provide users with smarter PLM access (e.g., providing just the data that impacts their role) to better enable them to make more timely and accurate decisions. Customers can more easily add new applications as they are developed and can also include IoT data as well as data from other systems for use within the apps based on the mash-up technology from the ThingWorx acquisition. These new apps will be released over time under the PTC Navigate name with the first being Navigate View. For current PTC users, these new role-based apps will run on Windchill 10 version 10.1 M40 and later, so a migration will not be required to leverage these new capabilities. PTC’s shift to a platform and app architecture will allow customers to put new solutions into production without upgrading the underlying platform, enabling a quicker time to value. CIMdata thinks that these role-based apps will better enable casual PLM users to access and work with information managed by Windchill 11. This continues PTC’s efforts to democratize PLM and make it accessible to more non-engineering and technical personnel.
Connected Quality (new) is designed to improve business performance by providing information processes with smart, connected product data and help increase the speed and accuracy of quality analyses. The objective is to expose quality data throughout an organization and improve new product designs by creating visibility into fielded product performance and learning from a product’s operational behavior. One of the new capabilities is the ability to mash-up quality data and machine operational data. CIMdata believes that this is a very good use of ThingWorx technology to enhance and expand new capabilities within Windchill.
Requirements Traceability (new) is improved by coordinating product changes across requirements, hardware designs, and software designs by integrating PTC’s Integrity ALM solution using a combination of ThingWorx technology and the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) standard. Users will be better able to understand the impact of requirements changes on a product’s Bill of Materials (BOM), and track and manage requirements throughout the product lifecycle. While requirements management remains within the domain of PTC Integrity, the tighter integration of Integrity and Windchill will help PTC’s customers manage the growing complexity of their products.
Performance Advisor (new) is available to provide deeper insight into how Windchill 11 is
being used and its performance under various loads. That information can be used to improve both the end user and administrator experiences. Windchill is now itself a connected smart product, enabling rapid and proactive support. Customers can analyze performance across users and benchmark themselves against other companies that are using Windchill using performance data provided by PTC in a protected, secure environment that preserves customers’ anonymity. CIMdata will be interested to hear how customers respond to this capability. PTC stated that 60% of Creo customers have adopted similar functionality introduced previously. CIMdata believes that it has the potential to help companies identify opportunities to improve the performance of their PLM solution and better plan their PLM expansion strategy.
Windchill Search (enhanced) is now a multifaceted search capability improved to power better information reuse and to reduce the time users spend searching for data. PTC worked with customers to build out this capability. It combines their Windchill PartsLink classification search with traditional attribute search. Users can leverage keywords and filters in an Amazon- or eBay-like search paradigm rather than the simpler Google paradigm.
Bill of Material Management (enhanced) is designed to manage a complete, multidimensional BOM including engineering, manufacturing, and service elements. It incorporates improved visualization capabilities, part or item centric support, variant logic sharing with ERP, and a more flexible change management functionality.
Bill of Materials Transform and Compare (enhanced) includes a completely rewritten and
streamlined HTML5-based Windchill MPMLink visual user interface designed to ease BOM
transformation from Windchill to ERP. It supports plant-specific attributes on the MBOM, associativity at the part and occurrence level, and the ability to perform conformity analyses between EBOMs and MBOMs. It supports parallel design and manufacturing planning to enable faster time to manufacturing and reduce errors in planning and production.
Manage Creo 3.0 Breakthroughs (enhanced) including Design Exploration Extension (DEX) and the ability to create alternative designs in parallel. Using DEX, it is easy to extract selected elements from product structures to conduct trade studies or examine other design approaches. Once evaluation is complete the appropriate designs can be fully released for downstream processing.
Advanced IP Protection (enhanced) provides support for security labels checking and the display of security labels in structure components. These and other security improvements are designed to enable companies to increase collaboration internally and across their extended supply chain while maintaining the IP protection they and their partners require.
Other areas of enhancement delivered by Windchill 11 include Creo Elements Direct Management updates, automatic project updates, NPI process improvement, a redesigned query builder, a new version of System Monitor, and expanded Customer Experience Management Quality module capabilities.
Matt Cohen, EVP Global Services and Partners, discussed how PTC wants to help their customers extract value from PLM. He described PTC’s Value Ready Deployment (VRD) methodology for quicker production startup that takes into account a company’s specific requirements. VRD is generic today, but will become industry focused over time. The initial industry will be medical devices followed by high-tech and automotive.
PTC stated that their backlog of cloud business is large. They have a target of 30% of new deployments to be on the cloud, but think it will take 24 to 30 months to get that many customers to migrate. They hope to double the number of seats from a stated current count of 1.5 million to 3 million over the next 3 years. They expect much of this growth will be in the mid market with companies with $250 million to $1.25 billion in revenue, primarily in the medical device and high-tech industries. These are aggressive targets from segments that have been traditionally reluctant to invest in cloud-based PLM.
CIMdata thinks that Windchill 11 furthers PTC’s expanding support for IoT and the development of smart, connected products that become components in systems of systems. It includes purpose-built applications to better democratize PLM and expand the number of users of Windchill. The inclusion of purpose-built tool sets for IoT producers reinforces their commitment to IoT.
PTC stated that Windchill 11 has been in development for five years and they have started to fold in technology and functionality obtained through recent acquisitions. PTC is continuing to incorporate acquired technology within Windchill and other products, e.g., the mash-up functionality from ThingWorx is beginning to be used extensively within Windchill. The use of these capabilities provides PTC with opportunities to enhance both the user experience and the overall capabilities that Windchill 11 delivers. Additional Windchill 11 capabilities related to augmented reality for in-service parts, etc., will be built on the Vuforia acquisition. (PTC showed a short demo at the event and the augmented reality capabilities were interesting.)
CIMdata believes that Windchill 11 is an excellent step forward for PTC and we are pleased to see them making effective use of the technologies they have recently acquired. About CIMdata
CIMdata, an independent worldwide firm, provides strategic management consulting to maximize an enterprise’s ability to design and deliver innovative products and services through the application of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). CIMdata provides worldclass knowledge, expertise, and best-practice methods on PLM. CIMdata also offers research, subscription services, publications, and education through international conferences. To learn more about CIMdata’s services, visit our website at or contact CIMdata at: 3909 Research Park Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA. Tel: +1 734.668.9922. Fax: +1 734.668.1957; or at Oogststraat 20, 6004 CV
Weert, The Netherlands. Tel: +31 (0) 495.533.666.
PTC Creo design automation reduces Legacy Data Cleaning time by 85%
How ZF Steering is using PTC Creo automation
solution for designing of Steering components
Moving to Windchill , our biggest challenge was to
manually clean huge legacy data and eliminate errors. Required a template and
automation tool to reduce time….
Initiatives and Results
Initiative: Use design templates to reduce time for new designs.
Legacy Data cleaning
Initiative: Reduce time for Legacy data cleaning
and faster loading of data to Windchill.
Result: 80-85% improvement in Legacy Design Standardization time.
Eliminate Error
Initiative: Eliminate errors in terms of manual based filling attributes and
information to 3D Models
Result: With PTC Creo Model Check, resolving Model
issues, Attribute Addition, etc. happens
with a single action.
PTC Creo Model Check & Automation capabilities helped us to
Standardize more designs in less time. We
have saved approx. 85% time…..
- G.
Praveen Kumar
– D&D
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