Business Portfolio

Business Portfolio

Friday, October 13, 2017

Web Schedule December 2017

Webinar Training Sessions

Sl NoDateDayTimeTopicDuration (in min)
105.12.17Tuesday 11:00Creo Parametric 4.0 Enhancements - Detailing & Sheetmetal 45
213.12.17Wednesday 11:00Repairing imported geometry using IDD 45
320.12.17Wednesday 11:00Mathcad integration with Excel and CAD 45

Webinar Demo Sessions

Sl NoDateDayTimeTopicDuration (in min)
102.11.17Thursday15:00Product illustrations using Creo Illustrate 
208.11.17Wednesday15:00Additive manufacturing using Creo45
315.11.17Wednesday15:00Creo Tolerance advisor45
422.11.17Wednesday15:00Product engineering made easy by Mathcad45

Web Schedule November 2017

Webinar Training Sessions

Sl NoDateDayTimeTopicDuration(in min)
102.11.17Thursday11:00Flexible Editing of Parametric Models45
208.11.17Wednesday11:00Design Validation using Creo Simulate lite45
315.11.17Wednesday11:00Design of welds using Creo parametric45
422.11.17Wednesday 11:00Frame work design using Creo Lite 45


Webinar Demo Sessions

Sl NoDateDayTimeTopicDuration(in min)
102.11.17Thursday15:00Product illustrations using Creo Illustrate45
208.11.17Wednesday15:00Additive manufacturing using Creo45
315.11.17Wednesday15:00Creo Tolerance advisor45
422.11.17Wednesday15:00Product engineering made easy by Mathcad45

Web Schedule October 2017

Webinar Training Sessions
Sl No Date Day Time Topic Duration (in min)
1 04.10.17 Wednesday 11:00 Creo Parametric 4.0 Enhancements - Interface & Sketcher 45
2 11.10.17 Wednesday 11:00 Mechanism Design using Creo Parametric 45
3 18.10.17 Wednesday 11:00 What's new in IronCAD 2017 45
4 25.10.17 Wednesday 11:00 Creo Parametric 4.0 Enhancements -Modelling & Assembly 45
Webinar Demo Sessions

Sl No Date Day Time Topic Duration(in min)
1 04.10.17 Wednesday 15:00 Creo Design Automation using Mathcad 45
2 11.10.17 Wednesday 15:00 Design of Tools using Creo Parametric (TDO) 45
3 18.10.17 Wednesday 15:00 Intelligent fasteners design in Creo 45
4 25.10.17 Wednesday 15:00 Modular Designing using IronCAD DCS 45

White paper on ACER

Over the past few years, there has been a trend towards lighter and thinner tablets. Fiber reinforcement materials (PC+GF) and proper product design are the key factors to reducing weight while maintaining the desired product strength and stiffness.
Read more

Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension 

What you see is what you print. Creo 4.0 closes the gap between 3D CAD and 3D printing. Creo 4.0 Additive Manufacturing extension, an extension to Creo Parametric opens up worlds of opportunity to focus on creating, optimizing, and validating
the highly complex geometry that can only be produced through additive manufacturing.

Unique FELXI Approach to Design Automation on PTC Creo

Design Automation helps Organisation to Automate the Designs for different product variants. The process of Requirement Gathering- Calculation- Design- IterationsManufacturing Drawings- Check captured, automated and generated.
We bring you a live case study of Automation of Dynamic Pass Box - with a UNIQUE FLEXI Design Approach using Simple Tools in Creo Software Solution.

About DPB : Dynamic Pass Box is designed to provide functional support of controlling ingress of particulate contamination in clean room environment as well as in other controlled environment. They allow materials to be efficiently transferred into controlled environment without need of personnel movement avoiding any contamination.

Intent for Automation:
DPB - 8 Main Variants, with 21 type door orientations per Variant.
3 DWG per Door = 72 DWGs.( part drawings) for 24 door orientation
Automation of Dwg Templates- 2D Drawings, Auto updation of Sheet Metal Parts Developed Length, Auto renaming & Part dwg for individual parts- Auto print to PDF, Auto delete of Unwanted Parts from generated new variant assembly

Design Methodology :
  • Parameters & Design Variants Captured - Assembly Construction using Bottom Up Approach of Design.
  • Master Model with all foreseen combinations generated.
  • Input parameter thru Flexi Approach GUI - drives Master model & New Variant is generated .
  • Auto deletion of Excess / unwanted parts-assembly - w.o manual intervention.
  • New Master Assembly drive > Parts drives > Manufacturing 2D Drawings.. Check list .. BOM.. FLEXI Approach Solution Structure.

Benefits of FLEXI Approach :
  1. Flexi Approach allows to Add up New Design Variants in the Excel Based GUI (with min. MS Excel Knowledge) & in Master Assembly (with min. Creo Knowledge) - and derive New Variants from the new set of Inputs
  2. Rigid Automation - Does not allow for new inclusions.
  3. Option for New Variants - to become a part of Existing Library - For Re Use..
  4. Low Software investment since Pro program available in AAX with Creo Basic. Application tool kit is not needed

The Diwali Hi 5 Offer- IRONCAD DRAFT

IRONCAD DRAFT is affordable, powerful 2D CAD software with an easy-to-learn user interface and unique 3D integration capabilities. Use IRONCAD DRAFT to analyze, leverage, render, and reference 3D model data created by customers and colleagues while still working in a 2D CAD environment with a familiar user interface and common tools for detailing.
Included in IRONCAD DRAFT 
is a library that contains hundreds of standard part designs with associated parametric data. Simply drag and drop desired
 parts into the design environment and specify parameters. Parts will be automatically created and laid out in a standard 2D CAD software presentation, saving countless hours of design time.
Leveraging Legacy Data & Expertise
IRONCAD DRAFT will not only import files from any major 2D CAD software while retaining technical data, it can also be used to convert those designs into 3D catalogues so that they can be leveraged for future projects. Supporting AutoCAD commands, IRONCAD DRAFT promises an easy learning curve for 2D CAD veterans wishing to collaborate with colleagues working in 3D and eventually transition to 3D themselves.

 “The Diwali-Hi 5 OFFER”*
[Get 50% OFF on a 5 User Licenses Pack]
* OFFER CLOSES BY 18th Oct 2017.


Premium Transmission Ltd - Customer story

Reduce Design Time
Ensure new products are designed in the least possible time
Quality Standards
Quickly create 100% error free manufacturing drawings
Customer Satisfaction
Respond to customer requirements faster
Reduce Costs
Easily perform design validation before prototyping and 3D print prototypes

PTC CREO 4.0 Launch

Adroitec along with PTC, launched the PTC CREO 4.0 on with Groundbreaking capabilities namely
Model-based definition;
Additive manufacturing;
Smart,connected Product design with the power of Augmented Reality and IOT for the Engineering Industry . The launch program participated by the Industry leaders from various verticals like Automotive, Electronics, Electrical, Tool and Die units from different IDA of Bangalore.

Creo 4.0 Launch Design Smartner - Event in Bangalore

PTC Q4 Creo Illustrate Time Limited Offer

We wanted to ensure you are aware of a valuable deck that you can use to support your efforts with the Q4 Creo Illustrate TLO.
There is a 25% discount available on subscription pricing during the final quarter of the year to support your sales efforts.
The deck is available here and covers high level benefits/capabilities, the customer value proposition, part numbers along with links to marketing content that you will find useful for your promotion efforts.