IHS Engineering Workbench
uniquely meets the information and decision-making needs of today’s technical enterprise. By providing a single point of access to critical information resources and tools to help analyze and leverage essential knowledge, Engineering Workbench accelerates research and helps technical professionals solve problems, faster and better, to deliver competitive advantage.
IHS Engineering
Accelerate Technical Research & Problem-Solving with a Unified Knowledge Platform
The C-suite today is looking to the technical enterprise to directly contribute to growth, cost optimization, and risk management objectives. To stay competitive, engineers need access to internal and external reference content, paired with analytical capabilities and problem-solving tools tailored to their specific research needs and workflows.
Traditionally, engineers have had difficulties accessing the information and tools they need to solve problems quickly, make informed decisions and support their organizations’ objectives. In fact, research shows that, on average, engineers consult 13 internal and external information sources to solve any given problem.
Consequently, engineers spend 40% or more of their time just searching for information. Then, once they find the information, these professionals typically lack the analytical and problem-solving tools tuned to their specific workflows, making it difficult and laborious to derive the best insights and solutions.
A Knowledge Platform for the Technical Enterprise
IHS Engineering Workbench™ is a breakthrough solution that enables knowledge professionals to rise above these information challenges, beginning with a platform that links external and internal content from many disparate and unstructured sources. Applying advanced search technology and content analytics to federated information, Engineering Workbench quickly surfaces precise answers from among the disparate data.
IHS overlays this integrated content with analytical and problem-solving capabilities designed with the technical professional in mind, accelerating decision-making. As a result, product teams deliver innovations to market ahead of the competition, researchers discover more efficient processes sooner, and engineers solve problems faster – driving growth, profitability and risk mitigation.
IHS Engineering Workbench incorporates groundbreaking search capabilities that connect engineering and other technical professionals across the enterprise with the must-have content they need to complete their projects, including standards, eBooks, patents, journal articles, reports, design principles, and more, as well as internal content sources, fostering knowledge retention and discovery.
With powerful analytics that extract answers and insights from these disparate content sources, Engineering Workbench breaks down barriers to informed decision -making.
Additionally, Engineering Workbench provides advanced research, problem solving, and analytical tools, such as root cause analysis, technology and patent trend analysis, consumer insights, or intelligence. These tools have been designed by technical professionals, for technical professionals, so they inherently support the daily workflows of engineers, scientists and other knowledge workers.
Value Delivered
For Engineers, Scientists, Researchers and Related Professionals: Discover solutions to technical challenges quickly to accelerate R&D and problem solving, and minimize rework in the design cycle.
For Engineering and Research Program Management: Consolidate information sources to make your engineering teams more efficient and collaborative, while reducing costs and simplifying processes.
For Corporate Librarians and Standards Managers: Increase utilization of knowledge sources and improve relevance of technical answers provided to engineering and R&D teams.
For Executive Management: Deliver new innovations to market faster to grow revenue; increase engineering productivity and prevent redesign/rework to improve profitability; and ensure problems get solved faster to mitigate risks.
For more information www.ihs.com/ewb
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