Business Portfolio

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Knowledge Based Engineering -KBE
Adroitec delivers services which are closely aligned with the design-through-manufacturing strategies of its global manufacturing customers, crashing cycle times and reducing costs. Adroitec’s model of onsite and off-shore in India enable its customers to transform from just–in-time deliveries to just-in-market competitive superiority.
Over the two decades Adroitec has deployed state-of art MCAE technology and tools to deliver discrete services in the design-thru-manufacturing cycle, as well as fully integrated projects in the automotive, machinery manufacturing, and enterprise integration domains. With over 500 man years of experience Adroitec has analyzed, understand, and articulated customers’ design practices into custom building knowledge based automation and integrated solutions. Customers have
KBE - Completed Projects
Over the two decades Adroitec has deployed state-of art MCAE technology and tools to deliver discrete services in the design-thru-manufacturing cycle, as well as fully integrated projects in the automotive, machinery manufacturing, and enterprise integration domains. With over 500 man years of experience Adroitec has analyzed, understand, and articulated customers’ design practices into custom building knowledge based automation and integrated solutions. Customers have
consistently benefited from Adroitec’s service delivery, quality, schedule adherence, cost reduction, and capacity enhancement.
KBE - Completed Projects
- Bowl Mill Pulveriser |Hydro Generator | HP/LP Fire
- Water Heater | Air Cooled Heat Exchanger |
- Pressure Vessel | Roller Table for steel rolling mill |
- Draft Tube Liner | Butterfly Valve Design | RE Joint |
- Stack Reclaimer | Conveyor | Crusher | Ball Mill |
- Transformers | Power Steering Gear | Vane Pump |
- Engine Valve
Knowledge Based Engineering benefits
KBE helps in reduction in design time, eliminates checking, captures product knowledge and allows companies to customise more and more products, with shorter lead time, increasing market share and revenues.
Adroitec’s Knowledge Based Engineering model benefits
- Drastic reduction in design cycle time
- Capturing product knowledge , technical know how and expertise of experienced personnel
- Human error removed to a large extent
- Enhanced facility for checking the basic design data
- Instant availability of data on system (Drawing retrieval time reduced to minimum)
- Interpolation possible for new product development
- Archiving the design practices & experience of the designers
- Integrating Engineering Analysis Calculation with the Computer Aided Design and Model
- Performing simulation of the model for performance, manufacturing of parts, assembly and for operation & maintenance
- Linking it with Stores System, Drawing Document Management, Bidding System, PLMetc.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Workshop on FEM at BITS Pilani, (Hyd ) - Moldex & Creo Simulate
A 3 day workshop was organized by The Central CAD laboratory at Birla Institute of Technology and Science(BITS), Pilani-Hyderabad campus - July 14 to July 16th 2016.
Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique of solving the mathematical models. With the advent of high performance computers, FEM is recognized as a widely accepted technique to solve and analyze the complex engineering problems. Today,FEM is employeed in many commercial tools in the analysis of problems related to aerospace, automobile, civil, chemical, and mechanical enginereing. The workshop will enable the participants to learn the basics of FEM and to utilize the ABAQUS commercial FEM tool in solving problems related to solid mechanics,Manufacturing processes , Geomechanics and Composite. This workshop is designed for Faculty and Research Scholars who deals with the analysis of differential equations. Every session was taught with hands on exercise using ABAQUS tool.
Program Content
The below topics have been covered in the workshop
1. Finite Element Method
2. FEM in solid mechanics
2. FEM in solid mechanics
3. FEM in Geomechanics
4. FEM in Manufacturing processes
5. FEM in Composites
6. Application of FEM in Automotive Engineering
Mr.Suresh from CoreTech & Ratna Prasad of Adroitec Engineering Solutions presented our range of simulation tools - PTC Creo Simulate and Moldex 3D to address the structural, thermal and Plastic Injection Molding simulation problems .
About 40 professionals have attended the event which included Research Scholars and faculties from different engineering colleges.
About 40 professionals have attended the event which included Research Scholars and faculties from different engineering colleges.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Webinar Session Schedule For the month of July 2016
Webinar Training Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration (in minutes) | Suggested Audience |
1 | 15.07.16 | Friday | 11:00 AM | Understanding Basic Creo Kinematic elements | 45 | All active Creo parametric Customers |
2 | 20.07.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 AM | Adroitec's 3D Animation services | 45 | All Customers |
3 | 27.07.16 | Wednesday | 11:00 AM | Quick tuition of Tolerance analysis Using Creo | 45 | All active Creo parametric Customers |
Webinar Demo Sessions
Sl No | Date | Day | Time | Topic | Duration (in minutes) | Suggested Audience |
1 | 15.07.16 | Friday | 3:00 PM | Creating Assembly process plan using Creo | 45 | AAX prospects and existing Creo customers |
2 | 20.07.16 | Wednesday | 3:00 PM | Creating product service content using Creo Illustrate | 45 | All Customers |
3 | 27.07.16 | Wednesday | 3:00 PM | Creo Applications overview | 45 | All PTC customers and prospects |
Monday, July 11, 2016
DMT 3D metal printing (DMT (Laser-aided Direct Metal Tooling))
DMT 3D metal printing Technology belongs to most advanced generative manufacturing processes. This technology melts commercially available metal powders using high power laser and shapes complex metal structures with the aid of 3D CAD file. It is one of the latest 3D metal printing technologies and is classified according to ASTM standard in the category of "Directed Energy Deposition". Compared to more famous `Powder Bed fusion´ Technology DMT 3D metal printing technology uses commercially available industrial-metal powder.
It is therefore very economical. The powder flows constantly and is completely melted through laser beam and rapid solidified again. The microscopic metal structure is thus 100% tight and not different from conventionally produced metal parts or has in some cases even better mechanical properties.
Uniparts has reduced the design validation time by using Creo Simulate ( Pro/Mechanica )
Uniparts has reduced the design validation time by using Creo Simulate
Uniparts India Limited in Visakhapatnam, Uniparts Group is a leading international manufacturer of three point linkages ,PMP components, and
hydraulic systems for agricultural and construction equipment
- Seeking value added capability to grow their business.
- They wanted a FEA solution which could reduce the design approval cycle time .
- Time saving FEA solution with user-friendly interface.
- PTC’s resellers M/s Adroitec proposed Pro/Mechanica, (Creo Simulate) and implemented the same.
- Creo Simulate could handle and complete the analysis of hydraulics steering cylinder.
- Buckling analysis was completed faster and accurate, as compared to statistical results.
- Uniparts has successfully analyzed hydraulics steering cylinder using Pro/Mechanica and the results were inline with the real time analysis they did.
- Uniparts has reduced 50% in the design approval cycle.
“This will help us develop & introduce new products into the market and has been useful to validate our designs as compared with stastical results,
Dr.A.Singh– Asst. Vice President–Uniparts India
"Precitek Components" reduces tool design time by approx. 40%
How Precitek is using PTC Creo complete Mold Design Solutions for Design and manufacturing of Plastic Injection Moulds and reducing tool design time by approx. 40%
Initiatives and Results
Reduce Tool Design Time
Initiative: To reduce tool design time to handle more
Result: Creo’s tool and mold base design
applications significantly increased the effectiveness of the tool making
Improved Quality
Initiative: To switch from 2D design to 3D design, with
integrated tooling design
Result: Creo tools increased the quality and
accuracy by 15-20% and easily shared data downstream
Respond to Competition
Initiative: To maintain industry leadership and expand
into new markets with competitive, high-quality parts
Result: Using Creo tools helped us meet customer
requirements by leveraging customer’s multi-CAD data
Increased Confidence
Initiative: To incorporate late stage changes in less
Result: Using Creo tools reduced errors by 30%,
which enabled more time to be spent on innovation
Customer Quote
PTC Creo has helped in decreasing design time for tooling by 40%. Now our mold base
design turnaround is a competitive differentiator….. – Mr.Phani
Deccan Die Castings improved their Global Market Share by 30% by using PTC Creo
A metric on how PTC Creo Tooling Solutions enabled Deccan Die Casting to improve their Global Market share by 30% . Adroitec is their Technology & Software Implementation Partner.
Initiatives and Results
To reduce new project lead time
Result: New project
design lead time has been improved to
the greater extent by using PTC Creo Tooling Solutions
Reduce errors and improve Quality
Initiative: To design and manufacture high quality precision Die casting Components
Result: Product quality is improved by 25% due to reduced errors and rework
Integrated Solution
Initiative: To standardize with Single Flat form for 3D design, with integrated tooling design
Result: Design modifications are made faster and easier by implementing PTC’s Single integrated tool Design Solutions
Respond to Competition
Initiative: To maintain industry leadership and expand into new markets with competitive
Result: Able to acquire new Clients in the
Global Market by 30% using PTC Creo
Customer Quote
PTC Creo Tooling solutions is very much helpful for us to design and manufacture of high precision Die Casting parts with high Quality.
We have improved our Global Market share by 30%…..
High-tech casting mold due to DMT 3D printing technology
Cylinder heads of most car engines are usually made in aluminum alloys. The mold is repeatedly filled with over 600°C hot molten aluminum.
Whether die casting, core package casting, low pressure or pressure die casting, all molds are exposed to enormous stress. The flow of the liquid aluminum on the mold surface leads to wear, the frequent temperature changes cause fatigue and cracks. Corrosion and oxidation not only shorten the service life of the mold but provide poor surface quality of the castings and increased scrap.
The materials commonly used for aluminum mold are heat-treated steels or hot-work steels. Materials such as DIN 1.2343 proved to be as well suited because of their mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. Nevertheless, the material has significant weakness in terms of oxidation, thermal expansion and thermal conductivity. Steel oxidizes already at room temperature, it expands under heat quite fast and has only limited resistance to thermal shock. It forms heat checking. Especially detrimental to the thermal stress in the casting is the relatively low thermal conductivity of the material, which is with 30W/mK not even one-tenth of pure copper.
The given of a global carmaker commissioned project aimed at productivity increase in the cylinder head manufacturing. Not only the service life of molds should be increased but also the surface quality of the casting in the long-term operation should be improved and scrap rates reduced.
The South Korean 3D metal printer manufacturer InssTek searched specifically for a way to combine the strengths of various metals with its versatile DMT technology. After an extensive search the nickel-molybdenum alloy, also known under the trade name Hastelloy, was chosen. It has excellent thermal expansion characteristics, is resistant to corrosion and oxidizes only at very high temperature. The relatively low mechanical and physical characteristics such as impact strength or tensile strength play a negligible role, since in casting aluminum the mechanical stress is likely to be low.
First a mold made of heat-treated steel was prepared. This 570 x 380 x 126mm large form for a fuel-saving engine was then processed according to through simulation programs calculated thermal model and then printed in the 5-axis operable 3D metal printer MX-1000 with an work envelop of 1000 x 800 x 650mm. The nickel-molybdenum alloy print layer thickness varied between 2 to 30 mm and was positioned so that in places with intensive need for heat conductivity thicker layer was printed. After final finishing job, but without additional surface treatment the mold was put in series production.
The result is an impressive increase in productivity. Nickel-molybdenum alloy has much higher heat dissipation than steel and cools precisely there where it`s needed. Pores and unnecessary heat stress in the cylinder head casting can be avoided. No heat checking was formed, resulting in better surface. There remain virtually no aluminum residues on the mold surface and ensure, in combination with the more rapid dissipation of heat, much shorter cycle time.
An assessment of the mold´s service life increase could not be completed yet, since the mold is still in continuing operations after its first use in 2014. A decrease in the casting quality is not yet in sight. Due to the excellent results we have now extended this method on two other, larger engine models.
The potential of 3D metal printing technology for foundry industry is immense. It helps the already sophisticated technology to be more efficient and diverse. InssTek has produced, modified and repaired more than 1,000 molds in recent years
Whether die casting, core package casting, low pressure or pressure die casting, all molds are exposed to enormous stress. The flow of the liquid aluminum on the mold surface leads to wear, the frequent temperature changes cause fatigue and cracks. Corrosion and oxidation not only shorten the service life of the mold but provide poor surface quality of the castings and increased scrap.
The materials commonly used for aluminum mold are heat-treated steels or hot-work steels. Materials such as DIN 1.2343 proved to be as well suited because of their mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. Nevertheless, the material has significant weakness in terms of oxidation, thermal expansion and thermal conductivity. Steel oxidizes already at room temperature, it expands under heat quite fast and has only limited resistance to thermal shock. It forms heat checking. Especially detrimental to the thermal stress in the casting is the relatively low thermal conductivity of the material, which is with 30W/mK not even one-tenth of pure copper.
The given of a global carmaker commissioned project aimed at productivity increase in the cylinder head manufacturing. Not only the service life of molds should be increased but also the surface quality of the casting in the long-term operation should be improved and scrap rates reduced.
The South Korean 3D metal printer manufacturer InssTek searched specifically for a way to combine the strengths of various metals with its versatile DMT technology. After an extensive search the nickel-molybdenum alloy, also known under the trade name Hastelloy, was chosen. It has excellent thermal expansion characteristics, is resistant to corrosion and oxidizes only at very high temperature. The relatively low mechanical and physical characteristics such as impact strength or tensile strength play a negligible role, since in casting aluminum the mechanical stress is likely to be low.
First a mold made of heat-treated steel was prepared. This 570 x 380 x 126mm large form for a fuel-saving engine was then processed according to through simulation programs calculated thermal model and then printed in the 5-axis operable 3D metal printer MX-1000 with an work envelop of 1000 x 800 x 650mm. The nickel-molybdenum alloy print layer thickness varied between 2 to 30 mm and was positioned so that in places with intensive need for heat conductivity thicker layer was printed. After final finishing job, but without additional surface treatment the mold was put in series production.
The result is an impressive increase in productivity. Nickel-molybdenum alloy has much higher heat dissipation than steel and cools precisely there where it`s needed. Pores and unnecessary heat stress in the cylinder head casting can be avoided. No heat checking was formed, resulting in better surface. There remain virtually no aluminum residues on the mold surface and ensure, in combination with the more rapid dissipation of heat, much shorter cycle time.
An assessment of the mold´s service life increase could not be completed yet, since the mold is still in continuing operations after its first use in 2014. A decrease in the casting quality is not yet in sight. Due to the excellent results we have now extended this method on two other, larger engine models.
The potential of 3D metal printing technology for foundry industry is immense. It helps the already sophisticated technology to be more efficient and diverse. InssTek has produced, modified and repaired more than 1,000 molds in recent years
Friday, July 8, 2016
NASA’s Expedition 48 Commander Conducts 3D Printing Experiment in Zero-Gravity
This past week, on NASA’s Destiny laboratory module, Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams began conducting an experiment to 3D print in zero gravity. After gathering the 3D printing payload hardware and setting it up in the lab’s Microgravity Science Glovebox, Williams began testing whether or not a 3D printer can work in the conditions of outer space. The experiment demonstrated that the 3D printer operated normally while in space, proving that the emerging technology may provide major benefits for deep-space crewed missions and in-space manufacturing. During Williams’ experimentation with 3D printing, his Russian crewmates, Flight Engineers Oleg Skripochka and Alexey Ovchinin, worked on a variety of other experiments, and also prepared a cargo ship for departure back into the Earth’s atmosphere this weekend.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
"Empoise Design" Improves Time to Market by 25% Using PTC Creo
How Empoise Design Studios P Ltd is using PTC Creo Industrial Design Solutions for creating Innovative Product Designs & Improving Time to Market by 25%.
Initiatives and Results
Innovative Products
Initiative: To help clients to launch Innovative product designs faster
Result: PTC Creo enables engineers and designers to focus on creativity and able to launch more innovative products faster
Virtual Prototyping
Initiative: To create more digital concept designs for improving new product development time
Result: Virtual prototyping using PTC Creo has decreased product development time and helped to produce competitive products, leading to sales growth
Design Flexibility
Initiative: To create and modify high quality of complex surfaces quickly to generate more options and for variation of concepts
Result: Improved speed of creating complex surfaces with high quality in both free form and parametric nature using PTC Creo ISDX Powerful Capabilities
Improve time to market
Initiative: To improve marketing time and increase global market presence
Result: Marketing time has been improved by 25% using PTC Creo and able to acquire new global clients
Customer Quote
"PTC Creo Industrial Design solutions provides more powerful capabilities which enables us to create more innovative product design solutions.
We have improved our Time to Market by 25%….."
– Mr.Puttaraj Belaldavar
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